Dr. Hemant Joshi


D.M. Neurology

Speciality : Neurology
Language : English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati
Experience : 5 Years

Dr. Hemant Joshi is a Specialist in Neurology with rich experience in tackling acute and chronic neurological issues of Adult patients in the Outdoor Patient Department service by thorough history taking, clinical examination and accordingly advise investigations and treatment. Dr. Hemant is experienced in communicating with patient and family members regarding diagnosis, further related management including hospital admission in the required cases. She is also skilled in conducting Nerve Conduction Velocity Test (NCV), Electromyography study (EMG) and, Electroencephalogram (EEG) studies.

  • Acute Stroke management
  • Headache
  • Movement disorder
  • Vertigo
  • Epilepsy
  • Peripheral neropathy

  • Refining the Clinical Features of Serotonin Syndrome: A Prospective
    Observational Study of 45 Patients.
    Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology 2019 ;22 : 52-60
  • Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients With Chronic Tension‐Type Headache: A
    Case‐Control Study.
  • Headache August 2017 : 57:1096-1108
    Herpes zoster ophthalmicus evolving into headache characterised as
    hemicrania continua.
  • Case Reports 2018;2018:bcr-2018-224235
    Interstitial Pulmonary Fibrosis: An typical presentation of Multiple Myeloma.
    SEAJCRR.2014 3. 1124-30
  • Clinical profile of patients with acute coronary syndrome and its association
    with biomarker troponin I.
    International Journal of Advances in Medicine,2018; 5(2): 433-437
  • Landry Guillain-Barre Strohl syndrome A typical Variant of GuillainBarre
    Syndrome: Case Report and Review.
    International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 6 Issue 1; 2017;1:1722-1724
  • Dress Syndrome A Rare Presentation of Phenytoin Hypersensitivity,
    International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).
    Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019, 1231 – 1234
  • Rarest of the Rare: Esthesioneuroblastoma in a Young Male, International
    Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).
    Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017, 1869 1871


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